SAGE of the 29th Air Division, Duluth,MN. Shots of the Q-7 computer. Rows of tubes taking up a whole floor but less power than your current laptop. This was the heart of the SAGE system that directed our interceptors.

This pic is the kluge Russ built to evaluate Radar sites and GATR Data Link sites. They used to load it into our C-131. Could configure it to receive the same target info sent to any aircraft. Used it to check low level coverage of data link and IFF. Sent it to a couple other Air Divisions, but in the end it was shelved. A determination was made that coverage was what it was and no more gap fillers would be produced.

Photos by Russ Lorenz who worked the SAGE system from one end to the other. Radar Sq with FPS-35, FPS-26, FST-2 FPS-6, FPS-18, ANGKA-5, FRT-49, Went on to Division Chief of Maintenance, and the FSQ-7, GSA-51. From there he went on to work the F-106 Delta Dart
Russ Lorenz
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SAGE 29 Air Division Duluth MN Q-7 Computers -07.jpg
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