F-106A 57-2481 of the 456th FIS Castle AFB CA. This is a 1965ish tail flash. Earlier in 1961ish they still used fuselage buzz numbers. Later they used a different tail flash so this is a pre- late 1966-1967 tail flash design. They dropped the red, white and blue stripe and expanded the AGE yellow & insignia blue field lower when they changed Air Divisions in 1967 and the birds were rotated through I.R.A.N. at Sacramento AMA and came home with all gray factory paint jobs. The former red, white and blue band was a 28 Air Division requirement and the new 26 AD had no requirements. They also had the TCTO to put a zero before the tail number. C.O., Col Bill Jackson and Pat Perry did the redesign because it saved a lot of time when they had only 48 hours to do the tail flash paint so as not to have the birds off operational ready status. So, this is around 1965.
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456th FIS