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590149 SMALC Farewell Ceremony

retcer_05large-02.jpg 590149 SMALC Farewell CeremonyThumbnails590149 SMALC Farewell Ceremony590149 SMALC Farewell CeremonyThumbnails590149 SMALC Farewell Ceremony590149 SMALC Farewell CeremonyThumbnails590149 SMALC Farewell Ceremony590149 SMALC Farewell CeremonyThumbnails590149 SMALC Farewell Ceremony

F-106B 59-0149 on 18 Jan 1986 during the Sacramento ALC (SMALC) McClellan AFB, CA F-106 Farewell Ceremony. 59-0149 was the last F-106 to depart the SMALC depot and is shown signed along the fuselage by many of the workers in SMALC. [Photos taken by Al Durden, crew chief at McClellan AFB CA from 1966 to 1978. Al provided these copies to Erv Smalley for the website on 25 Jan 2004]rom 1966 to 1978]