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Patch QF-106 Joint Test Effort

5633.jpg  Patch New York Air Defense SectorThumbnails Patch SMALC F-106 Patch New York Air Defense SectorThumbnails Patch SMALC F-106 Patch New York Air Defense SectorThumbnails Patch SMALC F-106

From George Henry via Facebook: "Short story is one of our tech's, in a fit of frustration over all the repeat system testing during the R&D part of the QF-106 program, exclaimed one day to one of the prime contract engineers; "one goat "screw" is as good as the next". The engineer who was quite offended by the remark tried to have said tech fired. Not being one to let well enough alone I thought it appropiate to have a patch commerating the ocasion." (Thanks George!)