WSEM Tape from Weapon System Evaluator Missile (WSEM). WSEM gave an airborne check of the missile circuits.

"So, In a missile attack, how long will the rails actually stay extended prior to launch. Would the missile stay aboard long enough to acquire?"

According to John Hughes: "The missile electronics are "locked on" the target while the missile is internal. The timing of the firing sequence can change a little, but basically, here's how it goes:

Doors open, +1 sec, rails extend, +1.0-1.5 sec, parameter squibs fire followed immediately by rocket motor ignition, then about 2 seconds later rails retract and 1 second after that, doors close.

So, the entire sequence from "doors open to doors close" is around 6.0 to 6.5 seconds. Here's a WSEM tape, maybe it'll be clear enough to see the sequence, each vertical solid line is 0.5 seconds."
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