Lt. Col. James Price to Lt. Col. John H. (BUCK) Rogers 1963

The following pictures are courtesy of Karl Bossi, who was a Second Lieutenant assigned to the 456th FIS in 1963. From the arrival of the dignitaries and the inspection of the aircraft from the official 456th FIS limonene, , to the passing in review of the planes on their way to take-off, the passing in review of the troupes, to the parade of all wheeled equipment, including ground power equipment, to the fly-by of all squadron aircraft ( 19 F-106's and 3 T-33's and the Squadron U3A) and their landing. The entire ceremony was conducted in strict military tradition. Please note that all wheeled ground vehicles and equipment are equipped with wide white-wall tires.

Some information on the Low-Level, Sub-Sonic G Nash in the photos:

I would like to boast about having assisted in the preparation of the "Command Staff Car", but it would be selfish of me; everybody in the squadron contributed to the project. She was Col. Price's personal put-put for motoring around the base, an early 50s Nash Rambler convertible. When we were finished she carried Commander Stripes, tail # 492, and a Placard that read "El Jefe". She also had a standard F-106 pitot tube, complete with candy-cane mast when first built. However, the mast and pitot tube were removed a few days later; a request from the Air Police. They deemed it to be a hazard to pedestrian traffic. (I don't know why though, it was complete with protective sock and a remove before flight flag.)
- Doug Fahnlander
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456th FIS