Scrapbook clippings of the 318th FIS deployment to Osan AB, Korea in March 1968 from the McChord AFB base newspaper the 'McChord Defender' Mar 21, 1968 [Estate of Ward Staley collection]
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tony cestnik - Thursday 14 February 2013 10:31
was part of the enroute team that went to Guam as the emergency landing base
on the first maintance troops to land at osan what a cold ass day that was and surprise as we didn't know were the hell we were going and were not properly dressed for the weather.
Tony Cestnik
hyd. shop
tony cestnik - Thursday 14 February 2013 10:31
was part of the enroute team that went to Guam as the emergency landing base
on the first maintance troops to land at osan what a cold ass day that was and surprise as we didn't know were the hell we were going and were not properly dressed for the weather.
Tony Cestnik
hyd. shop
tony cestnik - Thursday 14 February 2013 10:31
was part of the enroute team that went to Guam as the emergency landing base
on the first maintance troops to land at osan what a cold ass day that was and surprise as we didn't know were the hell we were going and were not properly dressed for the weather.
Tony Cestnik
hyd. shop
tony cestnik - Thursday 14 February 2013 10:31
was part of the enroute team that went to Guam as the emergency landing base
on the first maintance troops to land at osan what a cold ass day that was and surprise as we didn't know were the hell we were going and were not properly dressed for the weather.
Tony Cestnik
hyd. shop