F-106B 59-0158 on 20 Jan 1961 with the Original 7 Mercury Astronauts from left: Lt. M. Scott Carpenter, Capt. Gordon Cooper, Col. John H. Glenn Jr., Capt. Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Lt. Cdr. Walter Schirra, Lt. Cdr. Alan B. Shepard Jr., Capt. Donald K. "Deke" Slayton. Read more on this site at http://www.f-106deltadart.com/nasa.htm [NASA Langley Research Center collection) (Biographies courtesy of Curator Jerry Wright]

Gordon Cooper once commented: "When we were selected as astronauts in 1959, little effort was made to create a standard flying suit for us. Our classic photo in front of the F-106 jet shows how we had scrounged around to get flight equipment from the various armed services. The dark blue NASA flight suit was mainly a result of the publication of that one photograph."

The photo is printed 1971, but as Charlie Gindhart pointed out on 16 April 2002 to me via email, 59-0158 was not at Langley, Gus Grissom was killed on 27 January 1967 along with fellow astronauts Ed White and Roger Chaffee, Glenn, Schirra, Cooper and Carpenter had already left NASA by 1971, buzz numbers were not used in 1971. So Charlie sent an e-mail to the Langley Research Center. The real date was found to be 1961.

Alicia V. Tarrant, NASA JSC, writes back about the photo date error: "My JSC contact has indeed confirmed that S61-01250 (aka L71-2971 and EL-1996-00090) was photographed on 01/20/61. It was originally photographed here at Langley by JSC people and the photo was taken back to Houston. We received a copy negative from them in 1971 and I guess that is where the 1971 date came from. My thanks to Mr. Gindhart for finding the error so that I can correct it. I will be editing STILAS and LISAR soon. The new caption will read: 'The original seven Mercury astronauts standing beside a Convair F106-B aircraft. They are, left to right, M. Scott Carpenter, L. Gordon Cooper Jr., John H. Glenn Jr., Virgil I. Grissom, Walter M. Schirra Jr., Alan B. Shepard Jr., and Donald K. Slayton. Photographed on 01/21/1961 at Langley Air Force Base.' Thanks, Alicia V. Tarrant, NASA JSC"

So, the center will be changing the photo caption to reflect the real date so any photos you see with 1961 was a direct result of Charles' actions.
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